
Welcome to Qipedia.

A glossary of terms, interesting facts and general information to help with your Qigong.

Yong Quan (Kidney 1) “The Bubbling Well.” 
Location: On the sole of the foot, between the second and third metatarsal bones, one-third the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel. Stimulating K-1 Descends Excess Qi, Calms the Spirit, Revives Consciousness, Rescues Yang Qi.

Bai Hui (Governing Vessel 20)" Hundred Meetings." 
Location: On the midsagittal line, at the intersection of a line connecting the right and left ear apices. The Meeting Point on the Governing Vessel with the six yang channels. Stimulating Gov-20: Benefits The Head, Strengthens The Sea of Marrow, Calms The Brain, Calms The Spirit, Clears the Sense Organs, Raises Or Subdues Yang Qi.

Mingmen (Governing Vessel 4) “Life Gate.” 
Location: On the lower back, below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra (L2). Stimulating Gov 4: Clears Heat, Regulates The Governing Vessel, Tonifies The Kidney, Benefits The Lumbar Spine. 


Wei Zhong (Bladder 40) “Bend Middle.” 
Location: At the midpoint of the popliteal fossa. Command Point for the Upper and Lower Back. Earth Point on Water Meridian. Stimulating B-40: Strengthens The Lumbar Region, Cools Blood, Clears Summer Heat, Benefits The Bladder, Alleviates Pain, Tones Kidney Qi, and Clears the Blood.

Hui Yin (Conception Vessel-1) “Meeting of Yin.” 
Location: In the perineal region, at the midpoint between the anus and the posterior border of the scrotum in males and the posterior labial region in females Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Governing and Penetrating Vessels.


Yin Jao (Governing Vessel-28) “Gum Intersection.” 
Location: In the mouth, at the junction of the frenulum of the upper lip with the upper gum. Meeting Point on the Governing Vessel with the Conception Vessel. Placing the tongue to this point connects the magor yang and yin energies if the body.

Qi Hu (Stomach 13) “Qi Door”
Location: In the infraclavicular fossa, on the midclavicular line. Meeting Point on the Stomach Channel with the Kidney, Large Intestine, Triple Burner, Pericardium, and Lung Channels. Stimulating Qi Hu lowers rebellious qi and unbinds the chest.

A map of our internal organs, note the Inguinal Ligaments (kwa!)