Retreat 2013

Samye Ling Tibetan Monastery Retreat, Scotland 2013

28th October - 1st November 2013

Looking out over the River Esk in the peaceful hills of the Scottish Borders, you can see why meditation masters from Tibet decided to build the Purelands Retreat Center on this spot. Bringing their wealth of knowledge to this ideal natural environment, they originally built the center to hold the first authentic Tibetan Buddhist long-term retreats ever seen on British soil. We are looking to book our first 5 night retreat next year. However before I can confirm I would like to know if you are interested in taking part.

On a typical retreat we have on average 10 -15 people taking part form all walks of life. Teaching sessions are roughly 2 hours twice a day with breaks. You are encouraged to work at your own pace and will have plenty of time to learn some Qigong that you can take away and practice by yourself, sit and experience meditation with the resident monks of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in the Monastery and generally be. There is very little (if any) mobile reception and no television.

There is plenty of downtime to rest, review the exercise, read, walk and socialize with other like minded people and take in the beautiful scenery.

The cost of the retreat is £500 per person (full board, tuition and single room accommodation).

I hope you will join me in this amazing retreat experience.

Deposits of £50 per person are now being taken to reserve your place.

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