Where feeling becomes a language...

What you'll Gain from This

If you have an interest in how the mind works, or you are looking for tips on obtaining enlightenment, the technique below may be the most important tool you've ever been given.

Let me show you a new way to think.

The Language of Feeling

The Language of Feeling is a method of thinking that is feel-based so it's important to start by learning how things feel. With a small amount of practice you'll naturally identify things this way and your mind will seem much lighter and faster.

Everything that exists has a unique feeling or 'frequency', even if they seem identical. In the technique below you'll be starting out by identifying the feeling of things. This is the ABCs of the Language of Feeling.
The Language of Feeling Technique

Learning the language of feeling is easy once you know what to look for. It is a technique that starts off small and novel and for the patient student, expands quickly to revolutionize consciousness.

1. Select any object in your immediate vicinity -do this now.

2. Now, without touching it, imagine touching it with your hand. Imagine feeling the texture, the edges, softness or hardness, the temperature. -Please do this now.

3. Without touching it you automatically know exactly how it feels, don't you? That's it. It only takes a few seconds to identify that feeling.

Did you feel it? At first, it may not even register as a feeling but more as something you notice or imagine. But that's ok - you got it! It becomes more of an actual feeling as you practice.

How do you know when you are doing it right? You are successful when you can acknowledge to yourself that you know what the object feels like. All the other benefits we talked about branch off of this with practice.

When beginning, don't overstep the simplicity of the feeling or the technique, it is simple and subtle. Realize that you are using your brain to do something completely different than normal, you are learning to target the specific frequency in each object.

Now move to a different object and do the same thing.

You see, as you practice you'll find that you are able to feel more and more, as though you're awakening a part of your brain that has been dormant. Objects will eventually open up to you like a book. More sensations, visualizations, feelings - and all of this is data!

After a week of solid practice, incorporate more variety, like rooms, settings, thoughts, potential situations, towns - you get the idea. They all feel different.