May Newsletter

Here is the new look newsletter which I am trialling, your feedback as always will be appreciated.

Please click on the link below.

May 2012 Newsletter

There is important information on.

New Diary Dates on workshops, Qigong on the Beach and lots more....
Money Matters
The Breathing Room
Samye Ling Retreat in Scotland
OnetoOne Sessions

The Dance of the Nature of Water

Can we slow down enough to ask just what is the ‘dance of the nature of water’ and its impact in terms of exercise, physical strength and toning? When we think of the water element in movement terms, we think of a fluid quality of smooth, effortless motion. It is the description of grace.

In the Tao of well-being, practicing the nature of water may not only lead to a less strained and fatiguing form of exercise, it also may be the key to the kind of deep cellular health and strength that persists into old age. Infinitely adaptable to all manner of circumstances, water sees no duality between strong and supple.

What is Love?

People ask me all the time, "What is Love?"
I'll tell you what Love is.
It is sitting down for a meal with friends.
It is sharing a plum with your wife in the bath.
It is giving your little girl a sticky pink sweet that may hurt her teeth. It is drinking beer in the pub or coke and popcorn at the movies, pouring wine, chopping veggies, burning the toast. If you do those things with all your heart - then that is Love.

Of course sometimes it may be feeding a street child or sending food to Burundi - the kid of thing we normally associate with the word Love.
But don't forget the ordinary miracle of seeing water as water, a carrot as a carrot - the everyday experience of feeling alive, feeling part of all of this, of life-and-death, dancing in the interconnectedness of things.

This is the true nature of Love.