The Dance of the Nature of Water

Can we slow down enough to ask just what is the ‘dance of the nature of water’ and its impact in terms of exercise, physical strength and toning? When we think of the water element in movement terms, we think of a fluid quality of smooth, effortless motion. It is the description of grace.

In the Tao of well-being, practicing the nature of water may not only lead to a less strained and fatiguing form of exercise, it also may be the key to the kind of deep cellular health and strength that persists into old age. Infinitely adaptable to all manner of circumstances, water sees no duality between strong and supple.

Every culture has a form of dance expression. Dance is a sensuous enjoyment of movement and music. We can not assume that movement without pleasure adds up to the same life force enhancement. Just as stress creates an internal bio-chemistry, pleasure creates a very different body chemistry. Our cultural tendency is to derive pleasure from achieving goals, making progress, and getting things done. But the power of sensual pleasure as a nutrient for vitality and regeneration has not been adequately explored. All manner of poor self-image, neurosis, and personal discomfort can be ameliorated simply by feeling good inside. Conversely, the more we live apart from our own physical experience, the more prone we are to anxiety, cravings, and someone else’s authority.

Creativity in movement explorations assures presence with the moment. Exploration without set expectations requires experiencing the moment. This fluid state of being brings us home to our bodies.

Aspects of this fluid state of body/mind are often exquisitely captured by professional athletes who learn to trust their bodies. Referred to as “being in the zone”; the body intuitively knows where to go of its own accord in seemingly effortless, effective action.

Mastery in sports requires presence, spontaneity, fluidity, trust, a willingness to be present with the unknown right now. Contained dignity is never called for. Unpredictability is the norm. Seeing the power of the water principle in sports, a form of self-care fitness that incorporates these attributes becomes highly attractive.