One Hundred Day Gong

Tradition & Gong
A Gong in Chinese is a designated amount of time that you allot to perform a specific task daily and there is a tradition in internal arts that even seemingly unattainable goals become possible in 100 days of concentrated training.
This allows for a new set of behaviours to take effect in our nervous systems and become a ‘habit’. The 100-day Hun Yuan Qigong program, open to all, is an exercise in individual discipline with community support.  Tradition states that we diligently practice every day for 100 days without fail. This means that if you miss a day, even if its day 99, you start over. Not only does this build resolve, it forces us to wake up and pay attention to our day-to-day routines.

To get the greatest benefits from your qigong practice daily and this will get your Qi flowing into perfect balance and harmony.
It is a wonderful way of not only building focus and determination, but also to ensure that you train regularly. It is a dedicated act of self-healing and discipline that snaps you out of your daily trance and brings the light of awareness to your consciousness. The more we practice, the more we wake up and the better off we become.
Actually, some of the best benefits of qigong are hard to define — you begin to understand yourself better, a self-awareness on all  physical, mental and spiritual levels that you’ve never had before.
Most simply, practicing daily for just a few minutes is an oasis of calm and relaxation that we rarely find in our lives these days. And that, in itself, is enough.
This program is designed to help you transform the stagnant energy in your life, move through perceived limitations, and manifest the life you’ve always wanted using the most beautiful practice of Hun Yuan Qigong.

There are numerous references to 100-days, for example, in the Tai Yi Jin Hua Zong Zhi (“The Secret of the Golden Flower”), a book on meditation and life attributed to Lü Dong-bin, writing in the 9th century:

“Only after a hundred days of concentrated work is the light real; only then is it the fire of spirit.” (p. 17)
“If you practice in this way for two or three months, the realized ones in Heaven will surely come to attest to your experience.;” (p. 37)
“On the whole, to set up the foundation requires a hundred days...” (p. 49)
“A hundred days is [a lifetime, and] also a single breath.” (p. 50)
“The hundred days is just a matter of empowerment: gain power in the daytime, and you use it at night; gain power in the night, and you use it in the daytime.” (p. 50)
“The hundred days setting up the foundation is a precious teaching...” (p. 50)
 Features and Purpose of the Program
The program consists of a :-
· workshop at the start of the 100 days
· setting individual and achievable goals
· a midway gathering for questions, group practice and individual monitoring
· at the conclusion a celebration of achievement
· regular email contact for questions (not including 20th Aug-5th Sep)
· a mindful “community” of students for mutual support
· an opportunity to write a daily 50 word diary entry to monitor your journey (optional)

Our aims are :-

· to apply Qigong principles to daily life and the accomplishment of personal goals
· to understand the fundamentals of Hun Yuan Qigong
· to discover the value and cumulative effect of regular practice
· to inculcate habits of focus and attentiveness
· to manifest the five virtues ‘Wu De’ of the internal arts
· to experience breakthrough


Sunday 1st July at Wood Barn Farm, Benacre (10am - 5pm)
At this first workshop we will discuss the program in detail, participate in goal-setting, and focus on Hun Yuan Qigong as taught by the late Grandmaster Feng and Master Ma Bao Guo.
Sunday 19th August - venue to TBC (10am - 1pm)
Exactly half way through the gong. This midway gathering will be an opportunity for questions, group practice and individual monitoring.
Sunday 7th October - venue to TBC (10am - 1pm)
This day marks day 99 of the program and we will honour our achievements with a memorable class of Hun Yuan Qigong followed by celebratory lunch.
Commitment Fee
Each student will be required to pay a commitment fee of £100. The fee includes the first workshop, a teaching video of the Hun Yuan Qigong set with accompanying notes, 100 day program notes, the midway gathering, the last day class and celebratory lunch. The option of paying in two instalments is possible with prior agreement.

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